CS330 Programming Project 1

CPU Simulator

CPU Description

The following CPU description is based on The Relatively Simple CPU defined by John D. Carpinelli in COMPUTER SYSTEMS ORGANIZATION & ARCHITECTURE. A few changes and additions have been made to make the model more challenging.

We will call this CPU RSCPU.

The RSCPU has 8-bit op codes and 16-bit addresses. Instructions are either 8 bits, 16 bits, or 24 bits in length.


There are 3 registers directly controlled by the programmer:

You Must use the following definitions (or equivalent constant definitions) for the bits in the flag register:

As the result of operations, you will be oring the appropriate flag bits on and/or anding the appropriate flag bits off.

The RSCPU also contains several registers in addition to those specified in the instruction set. The following registers are used control the fetch/execute of the instructions:

Instruction Set

An Op Code followed by the letter A means that an address follows the Op Code in the program. M[A] means memory addressed by A.
Mneumonic Op Code Operation
NOP 0000 0000  No Operation
LDAC 0000 0001 A AC<-M[A]
STAC 0000 0010 A M[A]<-AC 
MVAC 0000 0011  R<-AC
MOVR 0000 0100  AC<-R
JUMP 0000 0101 A  GOTO A
JMPZ 0000 0110 A  If (Z=1) then GOTO A
JPNZ 0000 0111 A  If (Z=0) then GOTO A
JMPC 0001 0000 A  If (C=1) then GOTO A
JV 0001 0001 A  If (V=1) then GOTO A
JN 0001 0111 A If (N=1) then GOTO A
ADD 0000 1000  AC<-AC + R, ZCVN set/reset
SUB 0000 1001  AC<-AC - R, ZCVN set/reset
INAC 0000 1010  AC<-AC + 1, ZCVN set/reset
CLAC 0000 1011  AC<-0, Z<-1 and CNV reset
AND 0000 1100  AC<-AC bitwise AND R, ZN set/reset
OR 0000 1101  AC<-AC bitwise OR R, ZN set/reset
XOR 0000 1110  AC<-AC bitwise XOR R, ZN set/reset
NOT 0000 1111  AC<bitwise NOT (AC), ZN set/reset
RL 0001 0010  AC<-AC rotated left one position ZCVN set/reset
RR 0001 0011  AC<-AC rotated right one position ZCVN set/reset
LSL 0001 0100  AC<-AC shifted left one position ZCVN set/reset
LSR 0001 0101  AC<-AC shifted right one position ZCVN set/reset
MVI 0001 0110 D  AC<-D AC loaded with 8 bits following instruction 
HALT 1111 1111  Halt Execution

To Do

Using appropriate data structures to represent memory and ALL registers, write a simulator to simulate RSCPU. Take Note, the 16- bit address register AR implies memory size of 65536 bytes.

Your program must:

  1. Output your name and a description of the program.
  2. Prompt the user for the name of a file containing the program.
  3. Echo the name of the file.
  4. Read the program into memory and then execute it from memory. Always load the program at M[0]. Initialize PC to 0 and begin executing the program.

The data in the file will be characters making up a hexadecimal representation of the program. Each line will contain a byte. A file containing:









is a 6 instruction program :

Your program must print out an initial value of :


The fetch cycle of the RSCPU consists of 3 sub-phases: Fetch1, Fetch2, and Fetch3 must be done consecutively. However, note, Fetch2 and Fetch3 each have two operations. Those two operations could be done simultaneously in hardware.

You must provide a fetch function.

At the completion of Fetch1, print out the label Fetch1 and the values of AR and PC. At the completion of Fetch2, print out a label Fetch2 and the values in DR and PC. At the completion of Fetch3, print out a label Fetch3 and the value of IR and AR. Be sure to identify the data printed.

In the Decode Cycle, determine the instruction contained in IR and call the appropriate function to execute the instruction. You must provide a function for each instruction.

Execute Cycle

Execution of the function of the instruction decoded.

Prior to returning, each instruction function must print the following:

Based on the instruction, you may also be required to print other information.

NOP Instruction

Return, no action

LDAC Instruction

Multiword instruction: Op Code, high-order half of address, and low-order half of the address. The execution function must first get the address from memory then the data from the memory location and load it into the accumulator.

Based on fetch, PC and AR point to the address - the high-order half of the address A.

The execution of the LDAC instruction is as follows:

LDAC1 through LDAC5 are execution subcycles. The subcycles must be executed in consecutively. Like execute, there are multiple operations going on in some of the subphases. Some could be done in paralell in hardware.

Remaining Instructions:

The LDAC is one of the more complex instructions. I have provided you with the details of the exectuion sub-phases of LDAC and exactly what to print out. Using LDAC as a guide, use the definition of the instruction given in the table above to determine the execution sub-phases for each instruction. At the completion of each sub-phase you must print out each register that is modified during the sub-phase.

For the STAC Instruction, prior to storing the data in memory, you must print the address where data is to be stored, the contents of memory location prior to the store, and print the same data after memory has been updated.


The project has 8 deliverables.

Your program must be written in C++. You are responsible for checking the output file generated by turnin to ensure that the file turned in properly. Programs that do not compile are not worth any points. Programs that do not properly run to a normal completion are worth very little. You must test your code to ensure that every instruction produces the correct result.

  1. Using a word processor and the guide presented for LDAC, for each instruction, provide the execution subphases and the operations in each subphase.
  2. Implement the noop and halt instructions. Your file should be named rscpu1.cpp. In turnin, select cs398c and rscpu1.
  3. Add the implementation of the clac, inac, mvac, and movr instructions to rscpu1.cpp. Your file should be named rscpu2.cpp. In turnin, select cs398c and rscpu2.
  4. Add the implementation of the ldac, stac, and mvi instructions to rscpu2.cpp. Your file should be named rscpu3.cpp. In turnin, select cs398c and rscpu3.
  5. Add the implementation of the and, or, xor, and not instructions to rscpu3.cpp. Your file should be named rscpu4.cpp. In turnin, select cs398c and rscpu4.
  6. Add the implementation of the add and sub instructions to rscpu4.cpp. Your file should be named rscpu5.cpp. In turnin, select cs398c and rscpu5.
  7. Add the implementation of the rl, rr, lsl, and lsr instructions to rscpu5.cpp. Your file should be named rscpu6.cpp. In turnin, select cs398c and rscpu6.
  8. Add the implementation of the jump, jmpz, jpnz, jmpc, jv, and jn instructions to rspcu6.cpp. Your file should be named rscpu7.cpp. In turnin, select cs398c and rscpu7.

Please Note: My completed program is 835 lines. This is not trivial. Even though the deliverables are small, they are not trivial. There is a lot going on in all of the instructions. If you wait until the day before assignments are due, it is very unlikely that you will be successful.

If you lost points on a deliverable, you must fix the error on the next deliverable. The penalty for errors not fixed on a subsequent deliverable will be harsher on the subsequent deliverable.

You should create test files to test all of the functionality for each deliverable. You should think about the functionality of each instruction and the flags that should be set/reset as a result of its execution. You should create test files on your own to ensure all instructions work properly. I've provided some examples. Your testing should not be limited to these examples. I also have provided a link to my turnin output for each deliverable.























Program that executes:

The output prints exactly what occurs in each subcycle of the fetch and subcycle of each instruction. The goal is to aid in your understanding of how the RSCPU works.

Last modified by Barbara Bracken 8/11/2024

© This project is copyright protected by Barbara Bracken