Cell Phone Volunerabilities

April 17, 2016, 60 Minutes aired a story HACKING YOUR PHONE. When the video starts, please stop it and read the article instead.

Do additional research into Signalling System Seven (SS7) and cell-phone hacking.

Write a report answering the following questions:

Explain in detail what SS7 is and how it is used by the cell phone carriers.
  • How long has it been known there are security vulnerabilities in SS7?
  • What can you do to protect your cell phone privacy?
  • Besides SS7, what are other ways hackers can intercept your data?
  • If your cell phone is hacked, what data does the hacker have access to?
  • Hacking aside, explain all of the ways your privacy is invaded by other people's cell phone use.

  • Last Modified 9/27/2016