CS 115 Chapter Assignments and Lab Reports Instructions


This class uses Microsoft Word, Excel,PowerPoint, and the database application in Open Office. If you working off campus and do not have Microsoft applications, you can use GoogleDocs or Open Office.

Report Format

All Chapter Assignments and lab reports must be prepared using a word processor and have the following format:

The report must be self contained. In other words. you must write the report so that the reader does not have to read the assignment in order to understand what you are answering. Answers must be grammatically correct complete sentences

Grammar and Spelling Count!!!!

You must properly footnote all data.


If you have questions, need clarification, or wish to discuss any topic, email the class list through D2L.

Always "reply all" so everyone sees your email.

Discussions with other students regarding where to find information is acceptable. Sharing answers is not acceptable. Each student must create his/her own report from scratch. See the course outline for the policy on academic dishonesty.

Sources of Information

Your text

Your text is the best source of information. If you use your text as a source of information to answer a question or define a term, you must footnote the page number where you found the information. You are allowed to directly quote the text. If you do so, you must contain the information in quotation marks or indent the quoted text. It must be clear you are directly quoting the text.


Since this is an on-line/hybrid course, using the WWW to find answers to questions is acceptable

However, it is not acceptable to copy and paste from a WWW source. If you use a WWW source to answer a question or define a term, you must put the answer into your own words. You will not learn anything by copying and pasting.

If you copy and paste from a WWW site, you will receive a 0 on the assignment. If you use the WWW as a source, you must do the following:


All chapter assignments and lab reports are due at 11:59 p.m. on the assigned date. Assignments are to be submitted via D2L. Any submissions time stamped after 11:59 p.m. on the assigned date will not be accepted. Please see the course outline for course policies.

BrackenLast Modified 1:13 PM 10/11/2020