Microsoft Power Point-


In this lab we will create a professional looking presentation using PowerPoint. 


Using Microsoft PowerPoint 

  1. Create a presentation 
  2. Add graphics  
  3. Insert Navigation Buttons
  4. Insert Hyperlink Navigation Button
  5. Put on a slide show 

To Do

1. Start Microsoft PowerPoint

(As described in class) 

2. Create a presentation 

Using Microsoft PowerPoint as described in class, create a presentation about cyber abuse, bullying, and responsible use. The presentation must have substance to receive full credit.

Begin by researching the suicide of Rutgers's student Tyler Clementi. Research other examples of cyber abuse and bulling and create a presentation. You must have at least one slide that addresses ethical and responsible Internet/web usage.

In addition to the discussion of Tyler Clementi, research and briefly describe two additional instances of suicide because of cyber bullying.

Your presentation must have at least 12 slides and require about 10 minutes. This means that you must set the slide transition time so that the presentation will take 10 minutes. If you have 12 slides, it means approximately .8 of a minute per slide. If you have more, it is less. 

The presentation must include at least one graphic and use a template as described in class. The template can be anything you choose. You can have more than one graphic, however, the size of the file may become excessively large. As discussed in class, images are large files

Microsoft PowerPoint is introduced briefly in your text and discussed in class.  You will find the user interface is much like Microsoft Word.

Please indicate your name, today's date, and the presentation title on the title slide of your presentation. Particularly sparse or inane presentations will not receive full credit. The last slide should be a list of your references.


Specify a template for your presentation. You may select anything you like.

Slide types

You have several choices for slide types. Use what is appropriate for the information you are presenting.

Navigation Buttons

Every slide except the first slide and the last slide must have 4 navigation buttons.

First Slide

The first slide will have two navigation buttons. It must have a navigation button to the next slide and to the last slide.

Last Slide

The last slide will have two navigation buttons. It must have a navigation button to the previous slide and the first slide.

Second slide through the next to the last slide

Hyperlink navigation button

At least one slide must have an additional navigation button that is a URL to a web page.

Creating the navigation buttons

To create first, previous, next, and last navigation buttons click on slide show. Select action buttons. Select the appropriate button for previous, next, first, and last. A cross hair will appear. Drag the cross hair where the button is to appear. Click OK hyperlink to the appropriate slide.

To create the special hyperlink to a web page, click slide show. Select action buttons. Select custom. As for the other buttons, drag the cross hair where the button is to appear. On the pop up menu, click on the hyperlink to button. A drop down menu will appear, select URL. Fill in the URL for the web page that you want to link to. Click OK, Click OK. Use a text box over the blank button created to provide a name for the button.

Slide Timings

Click on Slide Show, Slide Transition, Specify Automatically after and the time, then click on Apply to All

The time you specify in Automatically after is dependent on how many slides you have. If you have 12 slides, it should be a 
transition after every .8 of a minute. 

3. Submission

Submit your file via D2L PowerPoint

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18:40 PM 1/9/2022

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