Buying a PC- Chapter 1

There are no right answers for this project. The answers are your personal opinion based on your needs and research. Assessment will be based on the thoroughness of your answers supported by research.
For this project, assume you are in the market for a new personal computer.

  1. Based on your needs, are you going to purchase a desktop, notebook, tablet, or hybrid notebook. As part of your answer, describe why you made the choice. A thorough discussion is required. It must include a list of the things you will use your computer for.
  2. List your hardware requirements.
  3. List your software requirements including operating system.
  4. Cost restrictions.
  5. Research the WWW to find three different computing machines that meet your needs and provide a detailed comparison of the three.
  6. Create a table that compares the three computing machines on each of the items listed above under hardware requirements, software requirements, and cost.

  7. Which would you purchase and why? This answer must be very specific.

Submit your work in D2L.

Last modified 7/23/2022