CS 115 Syllabus

Introduction to Computers and Applications
CS 115, 2024 Summer Pre-session

More course info Introduction | Instructor | Grading | Course Policies | Class Schedule


The class format is on line. Class runs from May 20 through June 7, 2023.

Assignments are spelled out for every day of the class. This is a 15-week class condensed into three weeks. You must work very hard and submit the assignments that are due every day.


From Wilkes University Bulletin:

Introduction to computers, both large and small, but with emphasis on, and hands-on experience with, personal computers (Machintosh, IBM-PC.) Includes a survey of current commercial software (including word processing, a database, and a spread sheet.)

Wilkes University General Education Computer Literacy Outcomes. Students will:


There are no prerequisites. However, this course is not open to students who have prior credit in any 200-level CS course. Computer science majors will not receive credit in their major for CS 115.


Understanding Computers Today and Tomorrow Comprehensive, 16th edition by Deborah Morley and Charles S. Parker.


You will need to use your Wilkes email account during the course, so you must know your user name and password. Please contact the Help Desk visit the if you don't already have this information.


Dr. Barbara Bracken

Email: barbara.bracken@wilkes.edu

Communication regarding questions and classes should be to the above email address. Lab and Assignment submissions will be through D2L. Two semester exams will be taken through D2L. Respondus Monitor and Lockdown Browser are required to take the exams.


Your grade will be based on two exams and the assignments.

Your course grade is distributed as:

Grades will be assigned based on the following scale:
         >= 93 , A = 4.0
         87-92, B+ = 3.5
         81-86, B = 3.0
         75-80, C+ = 2.5
         69-74, C = 2.0
         63-68, C- = 1.5
         57-62, D =   1.0
         < 56 , F = 0.0
This information can be used at any time to compute your grade. Please do so throughout the semester to avoid any surprises at the end of the semester.


Daily Activities

You are responsible for looking at the schedule every day and reading the assigned chapters.

Late Assignments: (this policy will be strictly enforced)

Late Assignments will not be accepted. All of the assignments have been spelled out on day one of the semester. Learn to plan ahead.

All assignments are due at 11:59 p.m. on the scheduled day. No exceptions.

Academic Honesty

All work must be your own. This policy is strictly enforced. All work should be done on your own. You are not to copy a student's assignment nor are you to show your assignment to another student to copy. Do not electronically share files. It may seem easy, but it is cheating. Every semester two students share an electronic copy of their work. I will catch you. When confronted, they say "we worked together". Not acceptable. The work submitted must be your own.



There will be no make ups for exams, for any reason.

The format for exams will be mainly short answer and short essay type questions.

Important: Unless otherwise notified, you are responsible for ALL of the material in the assigned chapters of the text.

Exams will be taken on the specified day. The exams must be completed by 11:59 p.m. on the specified day. Exams are taken through D2L. You must have Lock Down Browser and Respondus Monitor. You must have a camera. You will be required to show your Wilkes id at the beginning of the exam and to pan the room with your camera. Your browser will be locked down, so you cannot go to any other web sites. You are not allowed any resources while taking the exam. You will be recorded through the camera on your computer and your microphone. I will review the recordings.

A sample exam is set up to be taken any time. It is on the schedule for May 23. It does not count towards your grade. The exam consists of you filling in your name, major, and year into a text box. The purpose of the exam is to get your testing environment set up and give you time to resolve any issues you have. If you do not take the sample exam and have problems with your environment that prevent you from taking an actual exam, no consideration will be given. It is recommended that you take the sample exam before the first exam and before the second exam to be sure everything still works properly. It is especially recommended if your environment for Exam 2 is different than Exam 1.
  The Wilkes Student Handbook.


The course schedule  is maintained as separate documents. 
This page is maintained by Barbara Bracken. Last Modified  3/7/2024