Homework Chapter 1


1.         Justify your answer to the following using formal definitions for theta, big O, or Omega.       Use either the limit or the constant definition:


a.         Show 3n5  + 4n4 +3n + 3 belongs to  theta of (n5)

b.         Does 4n3 + 3  belongs to O (n2)

c.          Does 2n2  belongs to O (n3)

d.         Does 2n2   belongs to theta of  (n3)

e.         Show n4  + 3n2 +4n belongs to omega of (n3)


2.         Given the following algorithm:


            y = 1;

            for  (i=1; i<=n;i++)


                        for (j = 1; j<=n;j++)


                                    x = A[i] + A[j];

                                    x = x * y;


                        y = y + x;



            Assume all variables are properly declared.


a.              How many additions are done in the worst case?

b.              How many multiplications are done in the worst case?

c.              Is the average case different than the worst case? Justify your answer.

d.              What is the exact growth rate of the algorithm (theta)?


3.         Question 14