Divide and Conquer



Given a list of size n of distinct positive integers, partition the list into two sublists each of size n/2 such that the difference between the sums of the integers in the two sublists is maximized.

An obvious solution to this problem would be to sort the array and simply evenly divide the array into sub arrays. The sorting approach solves the problem. However, it does more than the problem requires. A more efficient solution exists, find it.

If you solve the problem by sorting the array, you will not receive any credit for this assignment.

A canonical problem exists that can be used to solve this problem.

The approach to solving the problem is discussed in your textbook as well as most other textbooks. It is a recursive divide and conquer solution. You will need to implement an algorithm in your text to solve the problem.

To Do

  1. Write a recursive function that is passed an array, starting index, ending index, and any other parameters that are necessary to solve the problem. When the base case is reached, function returns, the array should be partitioned into two sublists of size n/2.

    Global variables are not allowed!

  2. Your main function
    1. Header comments must state where you got the algorithm that you are modifying to solve the problem.
    2. Declare the array to be of size 100.
    3. Output a message instructing the user to enter the size of the array between 1 and 100 : n. n must be an even number.
    4. Read the number.
    5. Use assert to ensure the input is valid (between 1 and 100 and even).
    6. Echo the input with an appropriate message.
    7. Loop n times prompting the user for each element in the array, filling the array. You must echo each value input. Use assert on cin.good() to ensure integer data was entered. You can assume the elements are distinct.
    8. Print the array
    9. Call your recursive function.
    10. Output the two sublists and the difference between the sums of the two sublists with proper labeling so the output is easily understood.

The name of your source file should be maxdiff.cpp.

Be sure your header comments conform to the class standards

Lab Turn In


Your program must be turned in before class on the specified date.

Select cs328 and then maxdiff. The turnin program will automatically compile and run your program, copying it to a directory for me to grade.


Using a word processor, answer the following questions. You must provide an explanation that supports your answers

  1. What is W(n)?
  2. Describe the input that solicits W(n).
  3. What is A(n)?
  4. What is B(n)?
  5. Describe the input that solicits B(n).
  6. Produce a call tree for the input n = 8 A[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]

All references must be properly cited.

Submit your analysis to D2L before the start of class on the due date.

Your Grade

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Maintained by Barbara Bracken
Last Modified 8:41 PM 3/55/2024