CS398/EE345 Computer Architecture fall, 2024


Dr. Barbara Bracken

Email: barbara.bracken@wilkes.edu

Class Meeting

Zoom MWF 11:00-11:50 a.m.

Class format is synchronous on line.

Office Hours

No formal office hours will be held. If you need assistance or would like to have a discussion outside of class. Notify me. I will look up your schedule and arrange a time to meet via Zoom. I will make myself available whenever needed.

Course Description (from the bulletin)

A study of the design, organization, and structure of computers, ranging from the microprocessors to the latest 'supercomputers.' An emphasis will be placed on machine language, instruction formats, addressing modes, and machine representation of numbers.

Prerequisite: CS226

School-wide objectives

CS Program objectives


COMPUTER ORGANIZATION AND ARCHITECTURE, by William Stallings, 11th edition.


Chapter Subject
1 Introduction
2 Introduction
13 Instruction Sets: Characteristics and Functions
14 Instruction Sets: Addressing Modes and Formats
16 CPU Structure and Function
11 Computer Arithmetic
4 Memory Hierarchy
5 Cache
12 Digital Logic
6 Internal Memory
18 Parallelism
20 Parallel Processing
19 Control Unit
9 OS Support
15 Assemblers
8 I/O
Additional Topics TBA if time permits


Minimum grade on programming assignments:

The simulator is a significant portion of the class work. Regardless of your overall grade for the course, you must achieve an overall average of 68 percent on the programming assignments to pass the class.

Programming assignment one develops the CPU in increments. Anything that was wrong on a deliverable must be fixed in the next deliverable. Any problem not fixed in a subsequent deliverable will be penalized more harshly. Programming assignment 2 is based on programming assignment 1 and programming assignment 3 is based on programming assignment 2. You are responsible for fixing all problems that were noted on your graded programming assignment 1 and programming assignment 2.

Grades will be based on the following scale:

Course Policies

Attendance Policy

Attendance will be taken at the beginning of class.

Your camera is expected to be on.

One unexcused absence will be allowed. For every unexcused absence beyond one, your course grade will be lowered by 3%. Excused absences must be supported by written documentation from a doctor, health services, etc. Emailing me that you will not be in class does not excuse you from class regardless of the reason.

Wilkes University Attendance Policy

CS330 Tardiness Policy

Class starts at 11:00 a.m. Attendance will be taken at 11:00 a.m. If you arrive after attendance has been taken, you will be marked absent.

Wilkes University Inclement Weather Policy


In the event of snow or other inclement weather, Wilkes may close the offices and/or campus for some or all of the day. Closing the campus means that classes would not meet in person, However, even if the campus is closed, classes may still meet remotely.

Classes Impacted by Inclement Weather

If the University closes the campus or offices due to inclement weather, each faculty member who was scheduled to teach in-person during the closure should determine whether the impacted class will meet remotely at the normal time, will be canceled, or will be replaced by a substitute activity. Faculty members are responsible for notifying their students of their decisions and should tell their students as soon as possible. This approach is intended to provide faculty members and students with flexibility. If a student cannot participate in a remote class, the student is responsible for the material presented in the remote class. Classes that are scheduled to occur remotely will still meet remotely during inclement weather unless the faculty member notifies students in the class otherwise.


All assignments are individual and are to be done without collaboration with other students.

Unless otherwise stated, homework is due on Monday of the week following the completion of the lecture for the chapter. Homework is due at the beginning of class via D2L.


Programs must be turned in before the start of class on the due date listed in above.  Time stamps will be checked in turnin and anything turned in after the start of class will not be accepted.

Late Assignments

Work will not be accepted late.


Failure to take an exam will result in a zero for the exam. If you are ill, you must contact me either by phone or email within one hour of the missed exam. You will only be allowed to make up the exam with a written excuse from your doctor that explicitly states you were too ill to take the exam.

Academic Honesty

All work is expected to be your own and done without collaboration.

If you use a source other than your text book in the a programming assignment or a homework assignment, you must provide a complete reference for the source.

Asking another student about an approach to solving a problem is ok. Discussing solutions is not ok. You must not look at another student's work or allow another student to look at your work.

Per university policy, any violation of this policy will be reported to Student Affairs. The first offense will result in a -100 for the assignment. The second offense will result in a 0 for the course. This policy will be strictly enforced. Per University Policy, all cases of academic dishonesty must be reported to Student Affairs.

If you don't understand something, I am probably the best source rather than another student as that student may not understand the requirements. I am very willing to assist students having difficulty, however, if you wait until the last minute to start, I will not be of much help.

Last modified 8/10/2024