Homework CS115

Academic Honesty:  Do your own work. Copying from another student is Plagiarism and will not be tolerated. All students involved will be dealt with accordingly. Please see the student handbook for Wilkes policy on Academic honesty.

In addition to the end-of-chapter assignments below, you have one other assignment. Its due date is listed.

  1. It is likely that you already haveyour Wilkes userid. If you do not, you must go to Stark lobby and obtain your Wilkes userid. You must keep track of your password.

    The homework assignment that you must hand in is a piece of paper with your userid written on it. Due Friday, 1/16. I only want your userid, not your password.

For the end of chapter homework, it is always due on Wednesday of the week following when we complete the lecture for the chapter. If we complete Chapter 1 in class on Friday, 1/16, the homework is due on Wednesday 1/21. If we finish a chapter on Monday, the homework is due one week from Wednesday. The rationale is to always give you a weekend to complete the assignment. The homework assignments are short. It is an easy 5% if you don't slack off.

Homework for CS115 Text Version 5

Homework Chapter 1

Review Question 5

Homework Chapter 5

Since we are studying word processors in this chapter, your answers to these questions must be prepared using Microsoft Word. You may choose the format.

Review Questions 3, 10

Chapter 2 Homework

Review questions : 10

Chapter 6

Review Questions - 6
Using Microsoft Excel:

Your homework submittal for this part must be two Excel printouts:

  1. One with actual data
  2. One showing formulas

  3. Place the following data in the specified cell:

    1. Write an Excel formula for cell G4 that multiplies cell B4 by the sum of C4, D4, and E4. Write this formula so that when it is copied into another cell, the cell B4 remains absolute.
    2. Write an Excel formula for cell C11 that multiplies cell C2 times the sum of cells C4 through C7. Write the formula so that when it is copied to cells D11 and E11, Excel adjusts the cell references according to the new location. Copy the formula from C11 into D11 and E11. Your name should be in A1
    3. Explain the difference between absolute and relative addressing.
    Chapter 3 Homework

    Review Question 9

     Chapter 4 homework

    Review Questions 4, 9

    Homework Chapter 7

    Review Questions 3, 6

    Homework Chapter 12

    Review Question 5

    What advantages do back up onto tape have over back up onto disk?

    Why is system/data back up included in the topic security?

    Homework Chapter 9

    Review Question 2, 5

    Homework Chapter 10

    Review Questions 3, 6

    Homework Chapter 8

    Review Questions 3, 4

    Note: Chapter 8 is the last listed homework assignment. You should still read the chapters and try to do the review questions on your own as you will be tested on all of the material. If there are review questions that you cannot do in the remaining chapters, please make a note of them and ask in class.

    Last Modified: 6:03 PM 12/9/03