Section G 2:00-2:50 p.m. MWF.
Introduction to computers, both large and small, but with emphasis on, and hands-on experience with, personal computers (Machintosh, IBM-PC.) Includes a survey of current commercial software (including word processing, a database, and a spread sheet.)
The text has its own website
You will need at least two 3.5 inch diskettes. Since we will be using both MACs and PCs, one diskette should be formatted for the PC and the other for the MAC. You can purchase them preformatted.
Spring, 2004, Office Hours
With a few exceptions, the general format of the class will be two lecture sessions and one lab session per week. The last week we will have a make up final instead of lab. Friday will always be lecture.
Your course grade is distributed as:
>= 93 , A = 4.0 87-92, B+ = 3.5 81-86, B = 3.0 75-80, C+ = 2.5 69-74, C = 2.0 63-68, C- = 1.5 57-62, D = 1.0 < 56 , F = 0.0This information can be used at any time to compute your grade. Please do so throughout the semester to avoid any surprises at the end of the semester.
Permission to miss lab will only be given in rare circumstances. If you are sick and have a signed doctor's excuse, you will be allowed to make up the lab. If you are ill and miss a lab, you must have a written excuse either from your physician or from the University Health Services. You can go to Health Services regardless of whether or not you have insurance.
Your textbook does not contain any information about the applications that we will be learning in lab. The information that you need to do the labs will be presented in class prior to the lab day. If you miss lecture when information is presented that is required to do the lab, it is up to you to learn that material on your own. No consideration will be given to students in lab who do not attend lecture.
Per the Wilkes Faculty Handbook, absence of 3 consecutive classes results in the student having to be readmitted to the class by the Dean of Student Affairs.
Class Participation:
Students are expected to participate in class. When a question is asked in class and there are no volunteers from the audience, a student's name will be drawn at random from an envelope and asked to answer the question. If your name is drawn and you have previously volunteered to answer a question, you will not have to answer. My advice: volunteer early.
Late Assignments (this policy will be strictly enforced) : Late Assignments will not be accepted . All of the labs and assignments have been spelled out on day one of the semester. Learn to plan ahead. You know in advance what is required of you. If you have a big assignment or exam in another class, get your work done early for this class. If you plan a trip or a big party for the weekend, get your work done before the weekend. There are no surpises. Whenever you plan to do the work just before class, your car breaks down and you can't get it done. So, don't wait until the last minute.
Due Dates
Unless notified otherwise, lab assignments are always due on Monday regardless of which day the lab is held. This eliminates any confusion. Most students hand the labs in at the end of the lab period. However, the delayed due date always gives you a little extra time including a weekend to complete the work. Some labs are based on the lab the previous week. That is why they must be turned in by Monday.
Homework will be assigned each week. All of the homework assignments for the entire semester have been made up and you can access them from the main homepage for this class. The homework from the previous week is due each Wednesday. The homework assignments are available for the entire semester. There will be no reminders or specific announcements regarding homework. You are responsible for looking up the assignment and getting it done.
Don't be tempted to slack off on homework assignments just because it is only worth 5 percent of your grade. It would be very difficult to achieve a 4.0 in this class if you do not do the homework on a regular basis. I hope a 4.0 is everyone's goal.
Both labs and homework are to be handed in at the beginning of class. No exceptions. They will not be accepted at the end of class. They will be requested before the lecture starts.
Unless specified by the assignment/lab, work must be submitted in class. I do not accept work via email. If you are missing class, give the assignment to someone to submit for you. I have too many students to have to worry about printing your assignment and then remembering to get it off of the printer to grade.
Academic Honesty
All work must be your own. This policy is strictly enforced. Homework
should be done on your own. You are not to copy a student's assignment
nor are you to show your assignment to another student to copy. Do not
electronically share homework files!!!!! Every semester two students share
an electronic copy of their homework. I will catch you. When confronted,
they say "we worked together". Not acceptable. The work submitted should
be your own. In lab, students are encouraged to help each other. Again,
the work ultimately should be your own.
Exams: There will be three one hour exams and a comprehensive final. There will be no make ups for exams, for any reason. One make up exam will be given during the last class period, the last day of the semester. The exam will be cumulative. This exam grade will be used to replace your lowest semester exam. If you miss a semester exam for any reason, this is your opportunity to make up the exam. If you have taken all of the exams, this can still be used to replace your lowest exam. You can use it as an opportunity to better your grade. If you do not wish to take it, you do not have to. Your three semester exam grades will be used.
The format for exams will be mainly short answer and short essay type questions.
Unless otherwise notified, you are responsible for ALL of the material in the assigned chapters of the text regardless of whether the material is covered in class. In order to spend class time going over material for the labs, some of the text material will not be covered in the class, and it is the students' responsibility to learn that material.
Incorrect Grades: If a grade needs to be adjusted, you MUST
see me no later than two weeks after the return of the assignment or exam.
Use of Computers If we have a lecture session per week in a room where each student has a computer, unless you are specifically asked to do so, use of a computer during lecture is not permitted and will not be tolerated. It is disruptive to the entire class and rude. Violation of this policy will result in your being asked to leave and you will not be permitted back to class without a letter from the Dean of Academic Affairs.
Cell Phones: Cell phones are strictly forbidden from use in class. They must be turned off and out of sight. A student who violates this policy will be asked to leave class and will not be permitted to return.