Microsoft PowerPoint


In this lab we will create a professional looking presentation using PowerPoint. 


  1. Using Microsoft PowerPoint 
    1. Create a presentation 
    2. Add graphics  
    3. Put on a slide show 

To Do

1. Start Microsoft PowerPoint

(As described in class) 

2. Create a presentation 

Please note that this is meant to be a fun assignment. 

Using Microsoft PowerPoint as described in class, create a presentation about something of interest to you. It can be a hobby, a class you are taking here at Wilkes, something you studied in high school, etc. The subject matter is entirely up to you. It can be fun or serious. However, it must have substance to receive full credit. Your presentation must have at least 10 slides and require about 10 minutes. This means that you must set the slide transition time so that the presentation will take 10 minutes. If you have 10 slides, it means one minute per slide. If you have more, it is less. 

The presentation must include at least one graphic and use a template as described in class. The template can be anything you choose.

Microsoft PowerPoint is introduced briefly on page 211 of the text and discussed in class.  You will find the user interface is much like Microsoft Word.

Please indicate your name, the class and section (CS115 Section F or G) and today's date in the title slide of your presentation. Particularly sparse or inane presentations will not receive full credit.


You can specify a template when you start power point. 

Click OK

You may select any templete that you like:


Slide types

Below shows your choices for slide types. Select the first one for your title page. Use the others as they apply to your presentation.

Use any of the bottom four for your graphic. 

From the blank slide or blank slide with title (last two), click Insert, Picture, ClipArt:

Select a category then a picture. Not all categories and pictures are installed. You will have to search until you find something. 

From one of the two slide types with a picture and bullets, after inserting the slide, double click on the picture to insert clip art.

If you want to use a picture you have found on the WWW, simply right mouse click on the picture, then select copy. 
On the desktop of your PC, double click on MyComputer

Then Select 3 1/2 Floppy (A:) or select the drive for your space on the Wilkes Server, Click Edit/Paste to copy the image from the WWW to your diskette/server space. You can also copy the image 
into your (C:) drive. 

Then from the blank Power point slide, click Insert, Picture, From File. Specify your (A:) or server drive or (C:), etc. where you saved the copied file:

Select the file and click Insert

Slide Timings

Click on Slide Show, Slide Transition, Specify Automatically after and the time, then click on Apply to All

The time you specify in Automatically after is dependent on how many slides you have. If you have 10 slides, it should be a 
transition after every minute. 

3. Handing In

Email me, the file containing the power point presentation. Be sure that the subject of the email is power point lab.

This is suppose to be a fun assignment. It is expected that the majority of the class will get full (or very close to full) credit for this assignment. . 

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Maintained by Barbara Bracken
18:40 PM 1/14/2004

This page is copyright protected © by Barbara Bracken