Instead of
To obtain two lines within a single cell, type the data you want to appear on the first line, then press alt enter (this will cause the next data enered to appear on the next line).
Data must properly formatted. Where contains currency, it must be appropriately formatted. To format a cell, click format, cells, number tab, etc.
Your name should go in A2.
The heading products should be in A3. It should be size 12 and in italics.
Sale Item | Sale Price | Cost | Base Commission |
Laser Printer | $2880 | $1550 | 12.5% |
Inkjet printer | $380 | $250 | 9% |
Impact Printer | $180 | $85 | 8% |
Full-size PC | $3950 | $2500 | 12% |
Notebook PC | $3875 | $2250 | 13% |
Coumn headings should appear in row 4. They should be bold.
The product data should appear in A5 through D9. Column E Rows 5 through 9 should conain a formula to calculate the gross profit for the associated item. For example, the gross profit for an item should be equal to the sale price minus the cost. For Laser printer:
Once you write the formula for the laser printer, all you have to do is drag it through the remainder of the sale items.
In Rows 13 through 18, fill in the following information:
Sales Person | Laser Printers | Inkjet Printers | Impact Printers | Full-size Pc's | Notebook PC |
Benjamin Franklin Pierce | 10 | 10 | 13 | 23 | 33 |
Walter O'Reilly | 12 | 18 | 15 | 16 | 29 |
Margaret Houghlihan | 9 | 11 | 16 | 18 | 25 |
Henry Blake | 10 | 6 | 9 | 11 | 17 |
Max Klinger | 6 | 9 | 10 | 15 | 32 |
Sherman Potter | 15 | 25 | 19 | 14 | 25 |
Row 19 should contain the total number of items sold for each item. This should be labeled in Column A and the label should be bold. Row 20 should contain the total gross revenue for each item sold. This should be labeled in Column A and the label should be size 12 and italics. The formula is made up of the total in row 19 times the sale price in column B. For example, the formula for thegross revenue for laser printers would be:
Row 21 should contain the gross profit. This should be labeled in Column A in italics and size 12. The Gross profit consists of the number sold times the gross profit. For example, the formula for the gross profit for laser printers would be:
G20 should have the total gross revenue. G21 should have the total gross profit. Both of these totals should appear in bold.
This section contains the commission. Row 22 column A should conain the label Commission in bold. Row 23 should contain the following labels: Sales Person, Laser Printers, Inkjet Printers, Impact Printes, Ful-Size PC, and Notebook PC.Lines 24 through 29 should contain the commission data for each sales person. The order of the sales people should be exactly as shown above. Each cell should contain a formula for calculating the commission for the given sales person for the given sale item. For example, the commission for Benjamin Frnaklin Pierce for Laser Printers:
Note: The commission for laser printers, inkjet printers,
and impact printers is exactly as described above. The commission for full-size
PC's and notebook PC's changes based on the number sold. The more sold,
the higher the commission. The rules:
The format of the if function:
You must use the if function in your formula to make these calculations.
Also, you must use D8+2.5% and D9+4% rather than hardcoding in a value.
This is important because if you want to change the base commission assumptions,
you only have to make a change in one place instead of anywhere you may
have used it.
if (test_value, true_value,false_value)
Remember, you must appropriately use relative and absolute addressing for formula copying.
Column G must contain the total commission for each sales person. Row 30 must contain the total commission for each sale item. G30 should contain the total commission. Row 30 column A should be labeled Totals in bold. The Total commission in G30 sould also be bold.
Row 31 must contain the net profit for each item and G31 contains the total net profit. Row 31 column A should have the label net Profit in bold and font size of 14. The total net profit in column G should also be in bold.
The net profit for laser printers:
Maintained by Barbara Bracken
Last Modified 12/13/2004
This page is copyright protected © by Barbara Bracken