CS328 Spring, 2024 Syllabus

More course info Introduction | Instructor | Grading | Course Policies | Lecture Schedule

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Section A MW 11:00-12:15 a.m., Zoom


From Wilkes University Bulletin:

Theoretical analysis of various algorithms. Topics are chosen from sorting, searching, selection, matrix multiplication of real numbers, and various combinatorial algorithms. Prerequisites: CS 226 and MTH 232.



Foundations of Algorithms by Richard Neampolitan and Kumarss Naimipour


You will need to use during the course, so you must know your user name and password.


Dr. Barbara Bracken,

Spring, 2024, Office Hours: by appointment via Zoom


Section A grade distribution:

You must achieve an average of 70% on your projects to pass the class.
Grades will be assigned based on the following scale:
         >= 93 , A = 4.0
         87-92, B+ = 3.5
         81-86, B = 3.0
         76-80, C+ = 2.5
         70-75, C = 2.0
         64-69, C- = 1.5
         60-63, D =   1.0
         < 60 , F = 0.0
This information can be used at any time to compute your grade. Please do so throughout the semester to avoid any surprises at the end of the semester.


Late Assignments (this policy will be strictly enforced) :

Work will not be accepted late!!!! All assignments for the semester have been available starting with the first day of class. Learn to plan ahead. In industry, if you don't get your work done on time, it has a significant impact on the person who is depending on it to get their work done.

Homework assignments are to be submitted in D2L prior to the start of class on the due date.

Exams: There will be four to six (depending on the pace of exams and a comprehensive final. All exams will be proctored during the scheduled class time. The location is TBA.

If you are unable to attend any of the exams, you MUST notify me at least one week in advance. Alternate arrangements will only be made in extreme situations. If you are ill, in order to make up the exam you must do the following:

  1. Notify me via email at least one hour following the missed exam.
  2. Provide a doctor's excuse.
  3. Make up the exam the day that your doctor permits you back to school.
Depending on the pace of the course, you may be responsible for parts of the text regardless of whether the material is covered in class. This will be announced in class as required.

In-class assignments: You will periodically be asked to work on a problem outside of class and bring your solution or attempted solution to the next class for an in-class discussion. If you come to class without attempting a solution, a 0 will be averaged in to your exam grades. The purpose of these exercises is to make the in-class discussions more meaningful. If you attempted a solution, it will help you to ask questions during the discussion.

Incorrect Grades: If a grade needs to be adjusted, you must see me no later than two weeks after the return of the assignment or exam.

Academic Integrity

Programming and homework assignments are individual assignments. Discussing the programming assignments with other students is permissible. If you are asking another student for assistance on an assignment, you are not allowed to read the code written by that student. If another student asks you for assistance, you are allowed to read the code written by the asking student in an effort to identify the problem they are having.

Discussions are a valuable learning tool. Ultimately, the work must be your own.

Any violations of this policy will be turned over to the Dean of Students for disciplinary action resulting in the offense becoming part of the students' permanent record. You will not be given a second chance. You will receive a 0 for the course.

The student that copies another student's assignment as well as the student who allowed the assignment to be copied are both in violation and will be dealt with equally.

If you discuss an assignment with another student, whether you helped the student or the student helped you, you must note the nature of the conversation in the header comments of your code.

It is also against course policy to use any code or assignments found on the WWW. All work submitted must be created by the submitter. It is ok to do research on the WWW to help you to understand a problem. However, it is not ok to copy the assignment. If you do research via the WWW, you must cite the source on your assignment. If you take code from your text or any text, you must cite the reference.

Peer discussions are valuable and encouraged. However, the word discussion is emphasized. All work must be your own.

It is not permissible to discuss homework assignments with anyone

If, in my opinion, there was collaboration on an assignment, the students will be turned over to Student Affairs for disciplinary action and a -100 will be averaged in to the homework assignments.


Class will be synchronous on-line via Zoom. The Zoom information will be distributed via email and will also be on D2L. You must have your camera on. Attendance is mandatory.

Attendance will be taken at the beginning of class. One unexcused absence will be allowed. For every unexcused absence beyond one, your course grade will be lowered by 4%. Excused absences must be supported by written documentation from a doctor, health services, etc. Emailing me that you will not be in class does not excuse you from class regardless of the reason.

Wilkes University attendance policy.


Class starts at 11:00 a.m. Attendance will be taken at 11:00 a.m. If you join after attendance has been taken, you will be marked absent.

LECTURE SCHEDULE The course lecture schedule is maintained as a separate document. 

This page is maintained by Barbara Bracken Barbara Bracken Last Modified 11/1/2023 12:52 PM